ウクライナの国旗につかわれる青と黄色のカラーリングが希望と結束を表しており、ジェイドヨガ社では収益の100%をウクライナTrustChainとRevived Soldiers Ukraineに寄付しています。
ここではウクライナマットが誕生するにいたった背景について、ジェイドヨガ創始者であるDean Jerrehianからのメッセージをご紹介します。(直訳の後に原文を掲載しています)


このイベントでは、負傷したウクライナ兵士に必要な医療機器、リハビリテーション、義肢を提供する Revived Soldiers Ukraine (www.rsukraine.org) についても知りました。
出発する前に、私はウクライナ トラストチェーンの創設者に、ジェイドヨガがウクライナ、国民、兵士の支援に必要な意識と必要な資金を提供するヨガマットを作成することを約束しました。

また、ウクライナマットの販売による利益の100%をウクライナTrustChainとRevived Soldiers Ukraineに寄付することを発表できることを非常に誇りに思っています。
(Original Message)
You may recall this photograph taken in Ukraine that we included in our calendar and advertisements a few years ago.
Little did we know that soon everyone would be hearing about Ukraine.
A few months ago, I attended an event supporting humanitarian aid in Ukraine.
Up until then, I had been reading about what was happening in Ukraine, but did not think that there was anything I could do as in individual in the US.
That event was to bring awareness to the Ukraine TrustChain, an organization that funds volunteer teams in Ukraine.
These teams deliver medicine, food generators and stoves, winterize homes, run shelters, repair homes and schools and perhaps most importantly evacuate people out of danger
– helping more than a million people in Ukraine, including 56,034 evacuations and tens of thousands of people fed and supported weekly.
At that event, I also learned about Revived Soldiers Ukraine (www.rsukraine.org) which provides needed medical equipment, rehab and prosthetics for injured Ukrainian soldiers.
I met two amputee Ukrainian soldiers that night – which made the need so much more real.
Before I left, I promised the founder of Ukraine TrustChain that JadeYoga would create a yoga mat to help bring awareness and much needed funding to help support Ukraine, its citizens and its soldiers.
Today JadeYoga is very proud to announce that this mat in the colors of the Ukraine flag, blue on one side and yellow on the other, is now available.
We are also very proud to announce that we will donate 100% of profits from the sale of the Ukraine mat to Ukraine TrustChain and Revived Soldiers Ukraine.
Thank you,
Dean Jerrehiah